Child Safeguarding Risk Assessment
Written Assessment of Risk of Scoil Réalt na Mara Cromane
In accordance with section 11 of the Children First Act 2015 and with the requirement of Chapter 8 of the Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post-Primary Schools 2017, the following is the Written Risk Assessment of Scoil Réalt na Mara Cromane.
List of school activities
The sc The school has identified the following risk of harm in respect of its activities –
The school has the following procedures in place to address the risks of harm identified in this assessment |
Training of school personnel in Child Protection matters | Harm not recognised or reported promptly | Child Safeguarding Statement (prepared 20/3/18) & DES procedures made available to all staff and substitute staff.
DLP (Séamus Shaughnessy) & DDLP (Kevin Corkery) have attended PDST face to face training in May and October 2018. All Staff have viewed the online TUSLA training module & the PDST other online training FOR mandated persons.
BOM records all records of staff and board training. Record sheet prepared in office. |
One to one teaching | Harm by school personnel | School has policy in place for one to one teaching
SEN rooms and library to be fitted with doors with glass vision panels. Table between teacher and pupil Teacher and pupils to be aware of and respect personal boundaries. |
Care of children with special needs | Harm by school personnel | Special Education Needs Policy
(for review by S.S. & S.M.) |
Toilet areas | Inappropriate behaviour | Toilet areas and corridors to be supervised by staff on yard duty during breaks. Generally pupils will not be in their classrooms during breaks.
Library door is to be left open at all times. |
Curricular Provision in respect of SPHE, RSE, Stay Safe | Non-teaching of same | School implements SPHE, RSE, Stay Safe in full. SPHE Policy to be revised periodically. Stay Safe Programme was updated recently and this is carried out every year. |
LGBT Children/Pupils perceived to be LGBT | Bullying | Anti-Bullying Policy
Code of Behaviour |
Recruitment of new staff | Harm not recognised or properly or promptly reported | Child Safeguarding Statement & DES procedures made available to all staff and substitute staff
Staff to view TUSLA training module & any other online training offered by PDST |
Managing of challenging behaviour amongst pupils, including appropriate use of Careful Handling | Injury to pupils and staff | Health & Safety Policy
Code of Behaviour |
Sports Coaches and external personnel to support the Curriculum | Harm to pupils | Policy & Procedures in place including Gárda vetting.
All interactions between students and visitors to be supervised by relevant class teachers at all times.
Volunteers/ Parents | Harm to pupils | Vetting procedures Policy for parents/ volunteers
All interactions between students and visitors to be supervised by relevant class teachers at all times. |
Use of Information & Communication Technology by pupils in schools | Bullying / Grooming / Inappropriate contact/ accessing inappropriate material online | ICT policy (NCTE filters unsuitable websites). Children are not allowed to bring their own devices to school.
The school Anti-Bullying Policy and Code of behaviour are reviewed regularly. SPHE programme taught in full every year. Internet Safety courses for children occur regularly. |
Risk of harm due to children inappropriately accessing / using computers, social media, phones and other devices while at school. | ICT Policy
NCTE filtering Children not allowed to have any devices with internet access in school. |
School outings | Harm to pupils | Adequate Teacher and/or SNA supervision and parental help if deemed necessary. 3 adults min on school tours. |
School Transport arrangements | Harm to pupils | Bus Eireann and private bus operators are all vetted by their organisations. |
Prevention and dealing with bullying amongst pupils | Harm to children/ bullying | Anti-bullying Policy & Bullying Prevention Procedures in place. CF Friends for Life and SPHE Curriculum. |
Care of pupils with specific vulnerabilities/needs | Harm to children/bullying | Policies & Procedures in place / SEN Policy |
Students participating in work experience in the school | Harm to children/bullying | Policies & Procedures in place. Work experience students never to be left with pupils without teacher present. |
Student teachers undertaking placement training in school | Harm to children | Policies & Procedures in place. Student teachers never to be left with pupils without teacher present. |
Risk of harm due to inadequate Code of Behaviour | Harm to children | Annual review of the Code of Behaviour |
Supervision of children awaiting collection after 3pm | Parents encouraged to pick up their children from school promptly. |
Important Note: It should be noted that risk in the context of this risk assessment is the risk of
“harm” as defined in the Children First Act 2015 and not general health and safety risk. The definition of harm is set out in Chapter 4 of the Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post- Primary Schools 2017 |
In undertaking this risk assessment, the board of management has endeavoured to identify as far as possible the risks of harm that are relevant to this school and to ensure that adequate procedures are in place to manage all risks identified. While it is not possible to foresee and remove all risk of harm, the school has in place the procedures listed in this risk assessment to manage and reduce risk to the greatest possible extent.
This risk assessment has been completed by the Board of Management on February 12th, 2018.
It shall be reviewed as part of the school’s annual review of its Child Safeguarding Statement.
Signed _____________________________________ Date ________________
Chairperson, Board of Management
Signed _____________________________________ Date ________________
Principal/Secretary to the Board of Management
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